Monday, May 25, 2009

Reason For This blog

Hey to anyone reading this blog!

This is actually my first time ever writing a blog, but I am excited to see how it goes. The reason why I am keeping a blog is because I was given a grant, by an alum of Grinnell College, to go to Rwanda and work with orphans for two months this summer. I will be helping teach English, French and basic computer skills as well as serve as a mentor. I will be working at the Urunkdo Home for Children. If you are interested about the village you can click here to learn more.

The reason why this is so significant for me is because this experience is something that I can relate to. I was an an orphan after the Tutsi genocide in Burundi and I spent a while at an orphanage. Naturally, it was not a pleasant experience, it was overcrowded, understaffed, and despite only being five years old at the time, I was given many responsibilities because I was one of the oldest children living there. I remember cleaning the children, washing all the clothes, and helping keep the orphanage clean. But I also remember this one lady, one that I hated with all my little heart, who used to make me do her chores all the time, and who would punish me if I complained or tried to tell anyone (her name was Elizabeth).

Regardless, I am beyond ecstatic at the thought of going back to Africa. I also forgot to mention that I have three brothers and three sisters still living in Burundi that I have not seen in ten years! My oldest brother also just got two baby girls, so I am an untie!! I can't wait to see them. I don't really know what to expect, but the idea of being reunited with my family brings tears to my eyes.

I don't think that the alum who gave me this money realizes how much they are going to change my life. This alum is not only helping me make a small change in some orphans' lives, he is reuniting a family, and that is just amazing. [Alum, if you are reading this blog, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!]

I just got really emotional thinking about seeing my family again, so I am going to log off and go cry happy tears.

Until the next time,
